Education And
Healthy As Focus Create World Without Poverty
By: Nikodemus Niko
as indication in the society, be familiar since humman occupy the Eart. Poverty
is a difficult problem in indonesia, up to now strive for finished. Not only in
indonesia, but in the multiple spit Earth. Poverty nothing limit of economic
problem, but also social problem. As level of education and healthy. Poverty also
as first matter undergird turn up multiple other social problem at society, as bloomer
cause undercommunication access of education, unemployment, upgrading quantity
native of road and beggar, as well as criminal action.
example, in the West Borneo, indonesia. Government Regency Nort Kayong even
distribution education and healthy free service. Nort Kayong constitute regency
destitute and less developed. In the West Borneo mojority profession inhabitant
is farmer and traditional fisherman. Although such, learn duty implement
according to absolute. Not only nine years, but twelve years. Have a diffirence
with concept learn duty nine years, target more to poor family. Government
Regency Nort Kayong determine gratis all student country school or private
school, and all be level from kindergarten up to upper secondary school. In the
Regency Nort Kayong list of gratis school is 13 kindergarten, 102 elementary
school and 7 religion school equivalent with elementary school, 32 lower
secondary school and 4 religion school equivalent with lower secondary school,
7 upper secondary school and 2 religion school equivalent with upper secondary
school, and 3 vocation school.
Regency Nort Kayong extend free sevice healthy for society. Although in this
regency nothing hospital, however clinic in this area with modification and
complete medical equipment, take care room and doctor be on duty 24 hours.
all regency and town in indonesia applying this policy, indonesia people will
be certain luxurious.