Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Model Approach Welfare as Solutions Poverty Problem in the Border Area Indonesia-Malaysia (Entikong) West Kalimantan


Niko, Nikodemus. 2013. Model Approach Welfare as Solutions Poverty Problem in the Border Area Indonesia-Malaysia (Entikong) West Kalimantan. Research. The Faculty of Social and Political Science University Tanjungpura Pontianak.
This research aims to find a solution in addressing the poverty that exists in the region of West Kalimantan. Through study on the cause of poverty in society, the border Entikong natural researchers formulate problems, namely how their model approach welfare as a solution in dealing with the problem of poverty in the border area border Indonesia-Malaysia (Entikong) West Kalimantan.
The method is applicable in a Method of Descriptive with the form of research Qualitative. An approach that is used is the approach Phenomenology. Data resources in this research is people in the border area indonesia-malaysia (Entikong) West Kalimantan. The main data collection instrument in this study is the researchers themselves as key instruments.
Based on the research community life in the border area Entikong which are poor and do not have good, accessibility generally is strongly influenced by the social conditions economy in Malaysia. In research is found a model approach to overcome the poverty that occurs in the border area Entikong, that is a model of an approach to welfare.

Keywords: Model Approach Welfare, Poverty and the Border Region.

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