Essay By : Nikodemus Niko
Sociology Student at Social and Political Science Faculty
Tanjungpura of University, Pontianak
The republic
of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world
comprising of 17.504 tropical islands, situated between the continents of Asia
and Australia as well as between Hindi Ocean and Pacific Ocean. West
kalimantan is one among the provinces bordering directly
by road to neighboring countries ( Malaysia ).There are five Regency and about nineteen
district directly adjacent to the Sarawak, namely Sambas Regency (Sub Paloh, Telok Keramat,
Galing, Sejangkung, Sajingan), Bengkayang (District of Seluas,
Ledo and Sanggau Ledo), Sanggau (District of Entikong, Sekayam, Beduai and Kembayan), Regency
Sintang (Districts of upper and Middle Ketungau), Kapuas Hulu (Sub Puring
Kencana, Badau, Empanang, Batang Lupar and Embaloh Hulu).The locals are
used to travel out into the Sarawak region although “THE RAT “to the left and
right of forest wilderness.
Border issues will never be liberated from Poverty And Education issues.I am the spotlight in this paper is
the District Border Entikong,District of Sanggau.The lack of attention to national and local government
resulted in various problems being piled up to the present. Lack of commitment
by the government to build a HUMAN RESOURCE weakness major in handling border
At the local level, the
problems faced by the border area is in form of isolation,backwardness,poverty,high prices of
goods and services, limited infrastructure and public service facilities (
infrastructure ),the low quality of human resources in general and uneven
population distribution. Of some these things are very important in the
spotlight in the border region is the state of education is low. Theoretically
education is the most powerful vehicle for human uplift of backwardness. This condition
can be seen by the increasing number of children out of school in the border region,
ranging from the elementary to the secondary level. This condition is caused by
several factors, among which is the magnitude of poverty and education is expensive,
we cannot deny in the border region. While there are official rules that exempt
students from tuition payments, but in reality they are subject to various
expenses of the school. Therefore, more parents are not able to finance their
children’s education. One of the contents of the Development Plan 2010-2014, is
the increase in quality education services.However, in the reality on the
ground is not as written. It is this that needs reviewing by local and central
Picture of the state of education
seen from the large number of
children drop out of school, ranging from SD/MI, SMP and SMA.Of the Central
Bureau of Statistics of West Kalimantan 2010, as many as 47.450 people in the
district area Sanggau never educated in school, which is where most of them
live in the border region. In addition BPS West Kalimantan in 2010 also
recorded as many as 21.989 people in the region of the district cannot speak
Indonesian and most of them live in the border area. This needs a strong
attitude of the government, do not just hold parliamentary seats are contested,
but the community in particular territory border Entikong, Kabupaten Sanggau
the district government really needs a hand tightly.
Poverty as a
Symptom of the society has been known since humans inhabited the earth.Poverty
is a complex problem nation Indonesia who to this day still continue to be
persued its completion.Not only in Indonesia,but also in various parts of the
world.Poverty is not limited to economic issues but also social
problems.Poverty is also a thing that underlies the emergence of a variety of
other social issues in the community such ignorance due to lack of access to
education,unemployment,an in creasing number of street children and beggars and
Indonesian nation is a nation rich in natural resources, but has now deteriorated into a
poor nation. Largest and main problems in Indonesian society are poverty.
Indonesia has had a great attention to the creation of a just and prosperous
society as stated in the fourth paragraph of the constitution of
1945.Development programs implemented during this always gives great attention
to the fight against poverty because the construction is done basically aims to
improve the welfare of the community, but in reality there is no better changes
inequality is not only in Indonesia,
but rather occurred in an area of the world. The rich get richer and the poor
continue to struggle in poverty. In some border areas in isolated areas of
transportation capital, district and sub-district, the poor still looks a lot.
In general, the border is still lagging educational levels and life in general
is still low. This is why the people are impoverished.
Community life in the border region of
Entikong poor and do not have good accessibility. Generally was influence by
socio-economic conditions in the country of Malaysia.Entikong border region
socio-economic life of society, leads to the territory of Malaysia. This is due
to better infrastructure or socio-economic effect is stronger than the
neighboring countries.
Poverty is a problem that occurs in the
border region Entikong seen from the high number of pre-prosperous families as
well as the socio-economic gap with the people in the border region of Malaysia.
This is caused by the accumulation of a variety factors, such as the low quality
of human resources, lack of infrastructure, low productivity of society and not
optimal use of natural resources.
Nowadays, the development paradigm focuses only the development of
which would be empowered only, without seeing the vital role of local leadership.
Therefore, I offer a solution to the problem of education and poverty in the
border region with model of the welfare approach.
Commitment of
local leaders determine of handling the problem of education and poverty in the
border area. Commitment is defined by the government regulations regarding the
welfare of human society on the border. The existence of reference basic for
action in terms of public welfare and human resources. Due to the strong
commitment of the government without any doubts, illiteracy, dropout and
poverty in the border region can be minimizes.
Aapproach to well-being refers to the
fulfillment of the needs of society, such as the fulfillment of basic needs,
health needs, education and infrastructure needs of the region. Requirements
relating to the subject, such as food, clothing and shelter are priorities to
be meet by the government in order to achieve prosperity.Logicallay, people
will not proper if the people were starving, and the absence of limitations in
dressing home to rest. Government must also meet the educational needs of
community that will assist in improving human resources, in addition to the
health needs also needed to prevent outbreaks of disease. In addition, the
region’s infrastructure is needed, because the success or failure of the
government’s commitment to achieving prosperity in the border of the area
depends as infrastructure. A level of education and health and infrastructure
to support the achievement of the area is public welfare in the border area. In
view of the approach to welfare, socio-economic development is a powerful tool
for creating public welfare.
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