Jumat, 03 Juni 2016


'Ethnoecology" emerged as that branch of the new ethnography which describes people's conceptual models of their environment. It is distinguished primarily by its subject matter, which includes classifications of plants (Berlin et al. 1974, Friedberg 1979), animals (Blumer 1957, 1967, Kesby 1979), land forms (Conklin 1967), and so on, and shares its methods and underlying premises with the broader field of 'cognitive anthropology' (Tyler 1969) to which it belong.

Source: https://inamuse.wordpress.com/2010/11/12/peralatan-sehari-hari-suku-wana-di-cagar-alam-morowali-1/ 

The frefix 'ethno-' is used to denote a field of knowledge defined from the viewpoint of the people being studied (Fowler 1977:216) and is similar in meaning to the term 'folk' (as in 'folk knowledge', 'folk model', 'folk medicine'). Thus, ethnoecology is a branch of 'ethnomedicine', 'ethnobiology' and so on. The use of the frefix 'ethno-' is essentially 'ethnocentric'; it impies that those bodies of knowledge not labelled 'ethno-', usually those generated by academic study in the 'western' tradition, are somehow privileged: 'Scientific knowledge, as we conceive it, has cross-cultural validity; ethnoscience, on the other hand, refers to knowledeg that is indigeneous to a particular language an culture' (Glick 1964:273).

Dimana Letak Kehadiran Negara?

Joko Widodo--Presiden Republik Indonesia
Source: http://gumilang.me/1302/profil-dan-biodata-joko-widodo-atau-jokowi/

“Kabinet Kerja” pada masa kepemimpinan Jokowi telah membangun citra positif bagi parlemen. Nawa Cita yang kemudian dibangun melalui elaborasi media massa, menempatkan kepemimpinan Jokowi di puji puja berbagai kalangan; mulai dari kalangan tukang sayur dan pemulung hingga kalangan elit. Pada prinsipnya, Nawa Cita membangun visi “menghadirkan kembali negara” dalam berbagai persoalan di negeri ini. Selain itu Nawa Cita juga membawa esensi “membangun dari pinggir”.
Permasalahan yang kemudian muncul yaitu, mengapa harus “menghadirkan kembali negara,” apakah selama ini negara tidak pernah hadir dalam mengatasi persoalan negeri? Menurut pandangan saya, tidak juga. Memang kehadiran negara saat kekuasaan rezim orde baru terepresentasi dalam tubuh militer, dimana terdapat hubungan yang tidak harmonis antara civil society dengan military society.