Global Energy Initative Essay Contest2013
Nikodemus Niko
Age 20, Indonesia
Tanjungpura of University, West Kalimantan
was born in a remote village. The village which is far away from the big city.
Pejalu is the name of my village. There is no electricity flowing in my
village. When night falls, my house only in lighting by ‘pelita’ (the kerosene lamp). Finally, I'm forced to settle in the
city to attend school. I'm not used to the life in the town. Every man require
electricity to support his life. However, it never i feel in my village.
Electric was one of the component of many very role in the life of a people and
even for every human being. Almost all areas of human need employment of
electric power. Housewife cannot cooking and washing clothes without electrical
energy. In indonesia is currently being in crisis electrical energy. It is
ironic, a country that has its natural resources abundant, was now crisis
energy. I believe the whole world feels thinking about and energy crisis. The
core of the world's energy problems is the imbalance demand and supply as well
as access to energy resources.
electric turning off severally is government program that has no end in
indonesia. Daily power outages this program continues. Why not because of an
awareness of ourselves to save energy? Why should be in government programs. We
can save energy every day. Uses electricity when needed, walking, and etc.
However, basically all started by ourselves. Special in the state indonesia i
can't ensure that society his frugality energy. Because every day, big cities
in indonesia had been bogged down. This is because many private vehicles as on
a motorcycle and cars. Of course in the use of the vehicle to fossil fuel. It
like this the energy crisis hit the world. We need to hold a government
regulation to stop imports of vehicles. As a citizen who cares for and love
with Indonesia should be unwilling to cooperate with the government in solve
problems related to energy crisis this.
think development of alternative energy very important start now considering
reserves of fossil which have been reliably for power generation are very
limited. Any various of alternative energy sources that can be used, among them
are hydro-electric, geothermal power, mini hydro, micro or biomass, solar and
wind power and nuclear or uranium. Energy sources will include into renewable
energy. As an alternative energy that fits over indonesia I think is probably
use nuclear power plant which has its very large, besides that also clean and
green energy or environmentally friendly.
power plant is technology based energy. Nuclear reactor is using the raw material
of uranium. Uranium is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the
symbol U and atomic number 92. A heavy metals, poisonous, colored silvery-white
radioactive, and natural uranium including the actinide series. Their isotopes
used as nuclear reactor fuel and nuclear weapons. Indonesia has reserves of
uranium that can be used for raw material of nuclear power plants. National
nuclear energy agency (BATAN) recorded 29.000 tons of uranium reserves are in
the land of my birth, west kalimantan. My expectations, the government can use
of natural resources that left it with the best performance. Don't let it
happen like the case in papua, natural resources drained but its not very
prosperous society.
though potential of renewable energy, solar energy, very many the wind, micro
hydrolab, nuclear, geotermal, until biomass. Indonesia is very minimal take
advantage of this energy to meet the need for electricity. I think, with
increasing depletion of petroleum reserves in Indonesia, the utilization of
alternative energy nonfosil should be improved. And I think nuclear energy
should be implemented because the only power source that doesn't emit
greenhouse gases-glass, that can effectively replace fossil fuels. Besides we
expect natural resources available, we should also always take part in the
change of the country. Save energy only comes from our private respectively.
many benefits in the implementation of nuclear technology could only be in our
hearts there is still a feeling of anxiety. How when there is a leak as
happened in japan lately? What the hell with the waste? Actually every work
containing risk. Whatever we do if we are not careful then going to be a
disaster. Learn from the country of Canada, on the issue of discharge has been
found a way that is safe and permanent. The nuclear waste buried deep
underground in the lining of a stable granitic rocks. Geologic research shows
that rock formations granite could steady up to 1.5 million years or even more.
is remarkable, boons the lord we should be grateful for its existence in West
Kalimantan to save Indonesia from the energy crisis. This should be used to
increase human well-being. I hope nuclear can role in help resolve the crisis
national energy today. Nuclear energy are necessary for national security
supply in support of the realization of sustainable energy (energy security of
supply). Appreciation should to indonesia because at the 8th asean science and
technology week in the philippines ( 2008 ); indonesia have been appointed to
be the focal point (state of locomotion) for the issue of safety and security
of nuclear weapon in the region of southeast asia.
potential in indonesia sustainably can strengthen security of the energy supply
countries, and the balance of payments opening many jobs, alleviate poverty, to
launch universal economic growth and also to quell the emission of greenhouse
gases. So prospective nuclear energy needs to take care of the world community.
A total of 439 nuclear reactor is operating in 32 countries. The question now
is how the readiness of indonesian human resources in develop nuclear reactor?
answer is education. With adequate education in Indonesia, then Indonesia will
be ready to manage the nuclear power plant. Education played an important role
for us to get live in the modern now. People from around the world can only
griped society their high and only hope that someday they shall be like them.
We tend to keep silence and so what's in front of our eyes should be belonging
to someone else. If I were to become a minister who handles energy issues in
indonesia I want to prosper people who are in the remote areas, as the border
region of a country. I want them to realize and feel how big the benefits if we
have education so they can develop and manage natural resources which are not
in the environment around us. Unwittingly, this is being reserves in areas of
energy is very abundant. As in the county of sintang, district sanggau, and district
melawi located in the border zone directly with malaysia. If the government
does not act quickly, then neighboring easily could have to approach the
border, with the community and then claimed that energy.
issues should never be released from the issue of education. I am very
concerned with condition of a community border far from peace. At the level
local problems by the border area is marginal, such as arrearage, poverty
expensive prices of goods and services, infrastructures and facilities
limitations (services), public infrastructure low quality human resource generally,
and spread the unequal. Of several things are very important being questioned
in the border area is a condition low education. See the existing problems, how
can communities be ready to face the transformation of energy, at some time
going to happen in their own country. Not just like education condition in the
border area can be seen by a rise in the number of children drop out of school
in the border area; starting from the ground level to an intermediate degree
upon. This condition caused by several factors, some of them are still the
magnitude of the poverty rate and expensive educational in the border area.
how overcome this? I think people would not move alone without assistance hands
of the government. Therefore, the Government's commitment is in need in dealing
with the border region. Don't get natural resources we have managed by
foreigners, and we just be a spectator course. Lest they low education level is
getting trigger we to idleness. When his we into action, to toward Indonesia
more advanced, and less from the energy crisis. Everything is in our hands,
hanging we want to think or just settles course.
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